Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sexual Assault Investigation Kit Examination

In Australia when a sexual assault is reported to the police the victim has the option of undergoing a sexual assualt investigation kit examination. This examination is done to collect any specimens which could be used in a court of law (forensic evidence).

The Crimes (forensic procedures) Act 2000 gives details of the legislation and how the procedures should be carried out.

49 General rules for carrying out forensic procedures
A forensic procedure—
(a) must be carried out in circumstances providing reasonable
privacy to the relevant person; and
(b) except as permitted under another provision of this Act, must
not be carried out in the presence or view of anyone who is of
the opposite sex to the relevant person; and
(c) must not be carried out in the presence or view of a person
whose presence is not necessary for the forensic procedure or
required or permitted under another provision of this Act; and
(d) must not involve the removal of more clothing than is
necessary for carrying out the procedure; and
(e) must not involve more visual inspection than is necessary for
carrying out the procedure.

The Act refers mainly to offenders but part 2.8 section 79 and 80 refers to volunteers.Consent is required for the procedure to go ahead.

Below are pictures of the forms used during my examination.
The examination is alot like having a pap smear. As undignified and unpleasant. Yet if it manages to gain the evidence necessary it is worthwhile.

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